ezeCBT is a thought diary and trend analyzer for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). It can help improve your life by catching, checking and changing your negative thinking, moods and behavior.
If you're currently having problems with any of the following:
⏹ Anger management
⏹ Anxiety
⏹ Controlling behavior
⏹ Depression, or sadness
⏹ Frustration
⏹ Jealousy
⏹ Lack of motivation
⏹ Life satisfaction
⏹ Low self-esteem
⏹ Panic attacks
⏹ Relationship problems or conflicts
⏹ Sleep problems
⏹ Stress
Then this companion app can teach you how to:
✅ Capture and record automatic thoughts that might be causing you problems (CATCH IT!)
✅ Challenge and classify these thoughts so you can identify them in the future (CHECK IT!)
✅ Replace them with positive, realistic thoughts whenever they occur (CHANGE IT!)
You can also view your charts to analyze:
✅ Common distortions - see what issues are causing you the most problems
✅ How often you're posting
✅ When you're most likely to post
✅ Record your thoughts in a diary, by writing or dictating them
✅ Playback diary entries to hear complete descriptions
✅ Search past entriues by date or tag
✅ Share your posts with your therapist
✅ Analyze your thoughts by distortions and entries
✅ Backup or restore your data to your device or on Google Drive
✅ Change background image of the diary
✅ Set a pin lock so nobody else can access your data
✅ Create reminders for therapist appointments, taking your medicine or when to make entries
✅ Help files explaining the basics of CBT